What Am I Looking For?

It’s not what I am seeking, but rather it’s the only thing I’d ever settle for:


It’s that, “soulful connection, but with my kinda weirdo.”

It’s that, “shared mission in mind, we’re building together”, kind of partnership. 

It’s that, “I’ll do you one better than promising forever, I’ll commit to meet you fully in each moment and with each thoughtful breath.”

It’s that, “I will know and love myself more and more and will share with you the fruits of that labor.” 

It's that, “I’ll finally let you take care of me now that I trust in my sense of self.” 

It's that, “I am here when you want support, but don’t need you to need me.” 

It's that, “we compliment one another’s individual purpose and drive, but also offer the best kind of distractions...” 

It’s that, “I am so proud of everything that you are and want to be both in your bleachers and on your team.” 

It’s that, “we may not always hike at the same pace but I will leave cairns for you just in case, and wait patiently at certain junctions; just as you have been patient with me all along.”

Not seeking... but settling for nothing less than that.