
Capital Shine

As I walk at the ever hasty pace that pervades these streets,
the thoughts of integrity root deep in my head.
Integrity, compassion, courage and, what's that word again?
Oh yeah...hope.
My District, you seem to have lost some luster; the purpose, the potential, the people and the pace remain unchanged - but your glow, your shine, the passion emanating from every brick, stone, crack and blade of grass seems to have dulled.
But through a sullied surface, I still feel your pulse, though faint, your breath still exhaling life, art, passion and change.
Built on the backs of people denied rights.
This city heaves with strength and resilience.
The blood seeped into the earth, the sweat poured over design, the feet firmly planted in resistance, in rebellion, in unity, in growth.

Integrity. Compassion. Courage. Hope. DC. Me.